Sunday, 28 March 2010

Black Mountains Expedition - Spring 2010 - Day 2

Simon rigs the Mossie
The wind had turned westerly, with prospect of Ydas and the south bowl working, however the cloud took its time to clear the tops of the hills, slightly delaying the start of launching.  However, once the tops were were clear 'Doc' was soon out at the lauchpoint with the tug.

Talybont Reservoir on the edge of the Beacons...

Adrian took the first launch and did 1hr 13min in the K13 with duty instructor Gordon Dennis, they then had a lunch-break before going soaring again later.  It was Jan's turn on the '20' and launched after the weather started to improve at around lunchtime, clocking up just over 2hrs in ridge and thermal. Simon rigged and flew his Mosquito for over 2 hours completing his first solo on site with a perfect approach and landing on the SW runway.  Later, after Jan landed back, Ian took a launch in the '20' and soared for 2 hours in mainly thermal lift exploring out towards Brecon and the Becons with a max altitude of almost 5000ft QNH achieved at one point.  He managed to explore out to the reservior at Talybont.

Looking towards Talgarth along the Lagorse Ridge
The westerly winds were quite strong at height and there were some good thermal streets out to Brecon.  It proved difficult however to get out much beyond this and explore the Brecon Beacons because of the huge area of sink which could well have been wave induced.  By around 5pm the top-cover was moving in quickly ahead of the front and cut off the solar energy.  The rain didn't arrive until well after dark, by which time we were at The Castle Inn enjoying a hearty meal and good ale.

Top-cover finally moves in to kill the day
Total time soaring from site today was 10hrs 14 mins over 8 launches. Average flight time about 1hr 15mins.  A nice day had by all, shame the turn out was so few.

Photos: Ian.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Black Mountains Expedition - Spring 2010 - Day 1

Talgarth Airfield
Looking towards Langorse and the Beacons...
Ian and Jan were at the airfield early to rig the ASW20.  With a forecast of north westerly winds and 3000ft cloudbases, the day looked promising.  Sure enough by 11am we were launching gliders up onto the main ridge. 
Running the Main Ridge
Following the K21
DG300 at Hay Bluff
Most flights stayed along the ridge and pushing out to the Wye Valley to try to contact the wave we could see setting up at Hay-on-Wye, however most had to settle for local flights with the exception of a Ventus turbo that flew towards Shobdon to contact the wave that Shobdon pilots had found.  Ian flew the '20' around for over 4hrs, and many other club members also flew long soaring flights for over 4 hours.  The longest flight was by a visitor from Halesland (near Cheddar) at 5hr 22min. 

ASW 20 and Skylark 4 on Main Ridge
Adrian and Simon pitched up around 3pm after the journey from Tibenham towing Simon's Mosquito.  There was fun and games trying to get the trailer in place, however with some effort it was finally achieved.  After a quick cup of tea both got airborne for check flights. 

Paraglider on Hay Bluff
Simon's first flight on site was with Ian in the K21 and it turned into an 'exciting' rope-break as the tug manouvered sharply when tug pilot Keith thought there was a conflicting aircraft approaching the combination, and the twang on the rope as it came back under tension was enough to break the weak links - luckily they remembered not to pull the release and so brought the rings back for Keith.  Simon got another trip which was somewhat longer (1hr 13mins) soaring both the Main Ridge and the Cwm Du.  Adrian meanwhile flew with Mike Stringer in the K13 and also did an hour plus on the ridge.

Soaring with the K21 on the Main Ridge
The day was finished off with a mexican meal and some good local ale at the Honey Pot Cafe.

Total soaring from site was in excess of 56hrs 30mins over 20 flights giving an  average flight time of 2hrs 50mins.

Photos by Ian.